Benchmark dataset

The performance of traffic signal control strategies could be largely influenced by simulation environment, road network setting and traffic flow setting. Hence, we provide benchmark datasets including road network and traffic flow data, and provide benchmarking results for referecence.

See details

List of datasets

We provide different traffic datasets, each includes both road network (roadnet.json) and traffic flow file (flow.json), whose formats are defined in Roadnet File Format and Flow File Format respectively.

*All methods are measured in Average Travel Time (in seconds) under CityFlow simulator.
# Dataset name
Number of
Time Span
Description Referred result* Referred method
hangzhou_1x1_bc-tyc_18041607_1h 1 3600 These datasets are based on camera data in Hangzhou.
Due to the lack of records about turning vehicles, the turning ratios of each dataset are fixed, with 10% as turning left, 60% as going straight, and 30% as turning right. The turning-right vehicles are discarded since they are not under the control of traffic lights.
There are one left-turn lane and one straight lane in each direction in each roadnet.
221.03 SOTL
hangzhou_1x1_bc-tyc_18041608_1h 1 3600 334.72 SOTL
hangzhou_1x1_bc-tyc_18041610_1h 1 3600 213.20 SOTL
hangzhou_1x1_kn-hz_18041607_1h 1 3600 72.48 SOTL
hangzhou_1x1_kn-hz_18041608_1h 1 3600 64.10 SOTL
hangzhou_1x1_qc-yn_18041607_1h 1 3600 117.24 SOTL
hangzhou_1x1_qc-yn_18041608_1h 1 3600 131.99 SOTL
hangzhou_1x1_sb-sx_18041607_1h 1 3600 173.85 SOTL
hangzhou_1x1_sb-sx_18041608_1h 1 3600 290.00 SOTL
hangzhou_1x1_tms-xy_18041607_1h 1 3600 214.77 SOTL
hangzhou_1x1_tms-xy_18041608_1h 1 3600 325.32 SOTL
syn_1x1_uniform_200_1h 1 3600 These datasets are generated artificially. The vehicles enter the road network uniformly with a fixed entering ratio chosen from 200, 400 and 600 vehicles per hour. 61.44 SOTL
syn_1x1_uniform_400_1h 1 3600 133.40 SOTL
syn_1x1_uniform_600_1h 1 3600 189.11 SOTL
hangzhou_4x4_gudang_18010207_1h 16 3600 The road network contains 16 intersections in a 4x4 grid. Each intersection has four incoming approaches and four outgping approaches, and each approach has three lanes (left-turn, through and right-turn respectively).
The traffic flow data is based on camera data in Hangzhou. Necessary simplification is done due to the low quality of the real-world data.
• Traffic volume: the traffic volume is derived from camera data at Hangzhou.
• Turning ratio: 10% (turning left), 60%(going straight) and 30% (turning right). This is synthesized from the statistics of taxi GPS data.
240.97 MaxPressure
syn_1x3_gaussian_500_1h 3 3600 The road network contains 16 intersections in a 4x4 grid. Each intersection has four incoming approaches and four outgping approaches, and each approach has three lanes (left-turn, through and right-turn respectively).
• Traffic volume: All the vehicles enter and leave the network from the rim edges.For each entering edge, the number of the vehicles generated is sampled from a Gaussian distribution with mean as 500 vehicles/hour/lane.
• Turning ratio: 10% (turning left), 60%(going straight) and 30% (turning right)
422.95 MaxPressure
syn_2x2_gaussian_500_1h 4 3600 477.71 MaxPressure
syn_3x3_gaussian_500_1h 9 3600 631.75 MaxPressure
syn_4x4_gaussian_500_1h 16 3600 689.68 MaxPressure